Category: Healthcare Finance News

Healthcare is ready to invest in blockchain as new business cases emerge

The technology is "getting closer to its breakout moment," says Deloitte, whose new survey finds healthcare organizations seeing "disruption" on the horizon and preparing to spend accordingly.

Democratic reps fire back on Medicaid work requirements, saying they would push low-income families out of coverage

Democratic representatives called the loss of health coverage the "perverse result that even the proponents of these new requirements should oppose."

Hospitals have plenty of work to do when it comes to fostering brand loyalty

Despite a growing focus on loyalty, hospitals still have a ways to go to actually achieve it with patients and other consumers.

Amazon deemed most likely industry disruptor, say healthcare executives

Amazon was cited for a number of reasons, including resources, influence, brand loyalty, convenience and a built-in distribution network.

Having a hard time recruiting clinicians? Try texting candidates

Community Health Network deployed a text-based recruiting platform and garnered an 83 percent response rate, outpacing email or phone calls.

Hospital supply chain: One way to slash costs by nearly 20%

Joining a group purchasing organization can have a ripple effect that reduces expenses across the entire healthcare system, with the potential to save up to $864 billion by 2022.

Cut costs for legal liability defense with ‘explain and apologize’ researchers say

Study hinged on a unique Communication and Resolution Program which led one system to a 66 percent reduction in legal claims filed among other gains.

Hospital executives see bigger labor budgets, lower operating expenses in healthcare’s future

Physician shortages are forcing healthcare leaders to re-examine how much they spend on labor, and where they can expect to see savings in operating expenses.

Morale, technology are keys to staff, patient retention for medical practices, MGMA Stat poll shows

Healthcare office staff.
Another key focus area is diligent management of your practice’s online image and reputation, and requires having a workflow in place.

CMS releases formal approach aiming for budget neutral Medicaid demonstrations

CMS sign at HIMSS17.
It’s the first time that CMS has formally outlined how states should calculate budget neutrality for demonstration projects in order to strengthen fiscal accountability.