Category: Healthcare Finance News

Vizient forecasts nearly 5 percent hike in pharmaceutical prices for 2019, but also potential downward trend in spending

One of the main ways drug spending is mitigated is through market competition from biosimilar and generic drugs.

Why patients and doctors are still dissatisfied by electronic health records

Physicians were less satisfied by the system overall, citing the time it took to enter data, changes to workflow and decreased productivity.

FDA approves EpiPen generic drug

Teva Pharmaceuticals is marketing the first approved generic epinephrine auto-injector for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions.

CMS streamlines Medicaid waiver processes for states and decreases approval wait times

States are required to get CMS approval for any changes they want to make to their Medicaid programs, no matter how simple.

New at HIMSS19: New focused communities help personalize Global Conference

The new communities, targeted at 9 types of attendees, will enable people to navigate the conference year-round.

Why Amazon’s employee clinic could reshape the primary care landscape

The retail giant has proven it can use data to drive down costs. Is your hospital ready to compete against that?

Drug makers set prices independent of rebates, AHIP says

Competition drives drug prices and results in higher rebates, insurance organization says.

Emergency medical technicians, paramedics more likely to see raises than other healthcare jobs

The 2016 median salary for EMTs and paramedics was $40,508, but in 2017 that figure leapt to $51,168, a 26.32 percent jump.

Optum secures a piece of $50 billion government IT contract

OptumRx is changing its medication containers for temperature-sensitive prescriptions for home delivery to renewable cotton that is biodegradable, compostable, reusable and recyclable.

Community health centers get $125 million in federal grants

HRSA is distributing the funds to help boost the use of technology to improve efficiencies and outcomes among small hospitals.