Payer+Provider's Health System Review
July 25, 2018
Final rule would also expand drug pricing competition to drive down costs and eliminate controversial questions regarding opioids from the hospital patient experience survey.
Final rule issued today addresses the collection of risk adjustment charges and making $10 billion in payments for the 2017 benefit year.
The reports come as GSK also aligned with 23andMe on drug development work.
Practices with higher ratios of NPPs to physicians made more money, despite a rise in operating costs, data shows.
Hospital staff report safe conditions, but it remains unclear when the strike will end and what happens next.
July 24, 2018
Automated software offered rides to patients from Lyft showing notable no-show reduction, contradicting previous study, companies say.
High-performing NICUs have eight critical factors in common, say researchers, and quality collaboratives have played a part in their improvement.
Communication, technology and referral management will drive success in combating opioid abuse, the Medical Group Management Association says.
HHS Secretary Azar says the new hires will help CMS advance value-based care and consumer choice.
Understanding the root causes of financial hardship enables hospital executives to best pick which areas to improve first.