Category: Health IT

Why a Louisiana health system made a $40M EHR investment

Lake Charles (La.) Memorial Health System’s transition to Epic represents a $40 million investment over the next five years. 

MetroHealth's virtual care startup expands into behavioral health

A virtual care startup founded by two health systems has expanded into behavioral health in the Cleveland area.

Top 7 reasons patients prefer virtual care

The vast majority of patients who try virtual visits are willing to do them again, while nearly a quarter of patients say they’d switch physicians for virtual care access, according to the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions.

Judy Faulkner's plan to distribute her wealth

Epic Founder and CEO Judy Faulkner signed a pledge to give away the majority of her money to charitable causes, Forbes reported Oct. 19.

The role of social credit scores in the enforcement of health care regulations

As health care predictive algorithms, including the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP), expand their reach beyond traditional enforcement of health care regulations, the concept of a social credit score has emerged as a powerful but controver…

Mayo Clinic revives in-home cardiac arrest patient with telehealth: 7 notes

Rochester, Minn.-based Mayo Clinic became the first known health system to revive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patient using an assisted reality headset.

How Oracle Health says AI can triple nursing capability

As EHR vendors turn their focus to artificial intelligence, Oracle Health is using the technology “every step of the way,” Nashville (Tenn.) Business Journal reported.

How Oracle Health says AI can triple nursing capability

As EHR vendors turn their focus to artificial intelligence, Oracle Health is using the technology “every step of the way,” Nashville (Tenn.) Business Journal reported.

50 things to know about Epic

EHR vendor Epic Systems holds the largest market share for digital health records in hospitals.

Virtual care could cut US medical claims costs

Shifting care from in-person to virtual settings could reduce total medical claims spending by 2.3% to 3.1%, according to an Oct. 17 study from Solera Health.