Category: Hospital-Based Medicine

Patients are deserving of our best effort and most compassionate care. Every time.

She began telling me the same “sob story,” but this time, I looked at her and coldly said, “Mrs. _____, you are going home. I don’t care what you have to say; you are leaving today. I need the bed for someone else.” She began crying. I walked out witho…

Samuel Shem, MD on how can we put the connection back into medicine [PODCAST]

“There is a frenzy of trying to use technology to re-establish the healing human connection in the doctor-patient interaction. These efforts range from advanced transcription of voice-to-record, scribes who do the data recording during a patient …

How residents can create a positive clinical learning environment [PODCAST]

“For me, the team room became a safe space filled with light, stories, laughter, and food. There, my residents helped me read CT scans, interpret CBCs, come up with the differential for bradycardia, and organize my oral presentations. My resident…

Have stethoscope, will travel

Although it was midwinter, the air coming in through the front windows of the Nissan Versa was balmy.  The radio was tuned to a local station.  It was playing Air Supply’s “Out of Nothing at All.”  This is one of those songs you turn the volume up and …

The times we need to be reminded why we went into this profession

Years ago, I watched an interview on TV with nurses who cared for a man dying of Ebola. Their words and actions continue to ring as true today during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as they did then. Their compassion deeply moved me for this man dying…

The impact of current work hour restrictions and OSHA misclassification on house staff health

Over 100,000 medical and surgical resident physicians and fellows (combined, “house staff”) are the first-line physicians for most patients in the nation’s 1,100+ teaching hospitals. Maximum weekly work hours regulated by the Accreditation Counci…

The impact of current work hour restrictions and OSHA misclassification on house staff health

Over 100,000 medical and surgical resident physicians and fellows (combined, “house staff”) are the first-line physicians for most patients in the nation’s 1,100+ teaching hospitals. Maximum weekly work hours regulated by the Accreditation Counci…

In gratitude to our nation’s residents

Of all the unsung heroes of this plague-time, perhaps those who have endured the most are resident physicians. After graduation from medical school, resident doctors spend three to seven years in intensive specialty training before they can practice in…

Experiences in racism of a female resident physician

I am tired. I am tired of you telling me how to respond to racism. I’ve experienced racism and microaggressions as a brown woman my entire life. You have been trying to control my response for just as long. Stop. In high school, when another student to…

Black physicians are tired of paying the minority tax

Here’s a controversial phrase for a doctor to say that needs to be normalized: “I am tired.” As a physician, working oneself to exhaustion for our patients is often seen as a sign of strength and even heroic.  As a rare Black male in medicine in the mi…