Category: Hospital-Based Medicine

Why we’ll never eradicate malignancy in medical training

For a bunch of folks striving to stomp out malignant processes in our patients, we sure tolerate a fair amount of destructive behavior among training programs. I’ll be the first to say I’m not the most delicate flower in the garden. Before pursuing med…

Be an upstander and not a bystander [PODCAST]

“The incident bothered me all day and the following many days. I couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was and brushed it aside and stopped thinking about it. In the wake of recent events, it dawned upon me that it wasn’t the patient’s comments …

Attacks on osteopathic medicine are attacks on all physicians

It was distressing to hear and read recent and ongoing disparaging comments about osteopathic medicine, attacking one of our own, from remarks by Rachel Maddow to tweets by Cher and a derogatory video, since removed, portraying a female DO by Figs Scru…

A physician receives a derogatory email. Here’s what she did next. [PODCAST]

“The disparity of women physicians in research is a systemic issue that should be mitigated appropriately.  Women, especially minorities and immigrants, need institutional support to succeed as clinician-investigators. Medical institutions should…

Doctors already are actors, whether they want to be ones or not

The era of the empowered patient and patient-centered health care has been upon us for some time. Only a generation ago, there was a much more paternalistic approach to medicine. This has changed for the better across the western world. As somebody who…

We’re not trying to survive, but to humanize

An excerpt from Man’s 4th Best Hospital. “Why am I here?” the Fat Man was saying to us, his team gathered for the first time around in his new public clinic leaning up against one of the soaring buildings of Man’s 4th. “And why are you? One day I…

Thank a health care worker. Get a flu shot.

I evaluated the patient in one of our designated exam rooms for persons under investigation (PUIs) for COVID-19, fully doffed in personal protective equipment (PPE): an uncomfortable, resonant face shield over my surgical mask, looking like Big Bird in…

5 situations when you should get a second opinion

A second opinion can be a powerful tool. It can help lower your risk of experiencing a medical error or misdiagnosis, allow you to explore all treatment options and their benefits and risks, connect you with physicians who have experience and success t…

Patient advocacy is more important now than ever [PODCAST]

“In the best of times (and these are certainly not), all patients need advocates all the time; now more than ever, vulnerable patients need them more but don’t have access to them. Vulnerable populations have more at stake when visitors are limit…

Who could understand what it’s like to tell someone their loved one is dying? 

I sat outside my patient’s ICU room, my eyes glancing from his chart to him and his wife.  The picture was grim.  My patient, Tom, was a 56-year-old man, severely ill from decompensated cirrhosis, was admitted for the third time in a month with hypothe…