Category: Malpractice

The truth about medical lawsuits: What the numbers reveal

For two years, I have used this venue to expose medical malpractice litigation as a serious threat to society and the medical profession. From your responses, I conclude that patients and doctors are ready for a paradigm shift. Two elements are essenti…

How a negligent dentist almost killed my wife

An excerpt from Judas Dentistry: How Dentists Scorn Science, Break the Hippocratic Oath, and Wreck Their Patients’ Minds and Bodies. Our kindly dentist almost killed my wife, Judy. During her late teens, she had a single front tooth destroyed in …

The flaw with medical malpractice litigation

There is a serious flaw in medical malpractice litigation, and it is not what you may think. My post about a hypothetical medical malpractice case is not hypothetical but emblematic of the flaw. Medical staff at a major hospital in Washington, DC, did …

Why most medical malpractice claims never see a courtroom

In my research on the case selection criteria used by plaintiff medical malpractice attorneys, one very prominent plaintiff attorney in Maryland spills the beans. He proudly proclaims, “We, who are plaintiff attorneys, take on medical malpractice…

How medical malpractice lawsuits are silencing good doctors

In Gerald Green’s The Last Angry Man, Dr. Samuel Abelman is a general practitioner in the twilight of a career that spans fifty years of commitment to patients. The time is the 1950s, and the place is Brooklyn, NY. The problem is the proliferatio…

An infamous medical malpractice case

Byrom vs. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, a lawsuit tried in Maryland in July 2019, is this infamous case. It concerns the failure to perform a cesarean section and brain damage in a 25-week-old infant. It resulted in the largest malpractice verd…

A hypothetical case of medical malpractice. This can be you. 

A patient presents to the emergency room of a major local hospital with ulcers on the heels of both feet. The patient is more than 40 years old, smokes, and has hypertension but is not a diabetic. It is determined that the patient has peripheral artery…

Plaintiff attorneys and their contingency fees: causes of chaos in medical malpractice litigation

In the English Rule, the losing party in a lawsuit pays all legal costs. It is accepted worldwide; however, in the United States, it was replaced by the American Rule. In the American Rule, both the plaintiff and defendant in a lawsuit pay their own le…

Rise of mega payouts: Physicians are now the white whales

In recent years, malpractice attorneys have intensified their efforts to target physicians, becoming more aggressive in their pursuit of legal action. This relentless pursuit can be likened to Captain Ahab’s relentless quest for the white whale i…

Physician scrutiny: legal challenges and career impact [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We are joined by Ron Chapman II, a federal criminal defense attorney, who sheds light on the increased scrutiny that physicians are facing from regulators. During our conv…