Category: Medical school

Medical school admissions: wokeism vs. the Bible

According to Psychology Today, wokeism is defined as a system of thought and behavior characterized by intolerance, policing the speech of others and proving one’s own superiority by denouncing others. In a September 2, 2022, article in the New Y…

Who reads personal statements? [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “You received an interview invite based on ERAS filters the program set, so you already have your foot in the door. Don’t have them yawning at a two-page extravaganza of your life sto…

Who gets to graduate from medical school?

Getting into medical school is only the first step of an intense journey. Undergoing the admission process and being accepted into medical school can be an exceptional challenge, especially as a student of color, but it isn’t the only hurdle. In a prev…

Let’s meet in child’s pose and welcome the day

Anyone who has ever practiced yoga knows what that means. Child’s pose. Kneeling with toes untucked. Upper body hinged over the hips with arms outstretched and forehead resting against the mat. Breathing. In and out. In. And. Out. We are told it&…

Making it work when you’re married to a medical student

My husband’s medical school offered a “key supporters” session during his first-year orientation week. Each student’s family or significant other was invited to attend a two-hour session to learn the schedule of a student doctor…

Using simulations to improve medical decision making [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “The scenario is preset, and hence based on a lot of constraints, but when it is run, there is freedom for everyone to operate. This freedom to take part in the defined context is the…

The desire to be challenged is one of the most important aspects of an effective doctor

Bang! A pulsing pain surged through my head. As I floated in the water of the makeshift pond, it became apparent. I was concussed. That day, June 16, 2018, is what I consider the most significant day of my life. That injury, for a long time, led me to …

The most important tool a medical student can have is the ability to reflect on experiences

Throughout my life, I have been trained by Jesuit institutions. I have loved all of what they have prescribed – to “find God in all things,” to “care for the entire person,” to “be a woman with and for others.” But t…

Turning obstacles into opportunities with diversified health care perspectives

I have experienced a wide spectrum of the health care ecosystem since childhood giving me a deeper insight into its future need. I suffered for 23 years with a wrong diagnosis and frequent long-distance hospital visits before my heart operation. For 14…

Top tips for new interns [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “New resident physicians who have earned their MD degrees will be heading to hospitals to start their residencies during the last two week in June and the first week in July. What can…