Category: Medical school

Doctoring during Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal

I was sitting in my car on the phone when I heard the news. My boyfriend and I were chatting while I was driving to my parents’ house to have dinner. He mentioned to me that he had something to tell me and wanted to wait until I had stopped driving and…

What I learned about medicine in the House of Pain

Recently, I finished reading a book about Dr. D.S. “Doc” Ping titled The Legend of Doc Ping. Doc, a former United States Marine and Vietnam veteran, mentored me for a near-decade from my adolescence through early adulthood. As I was reading this book, …

Why economics is the best pre-med major [PODCAST]

“Economics taught me that I didn’t have to culture cells in a dish to do interesting and life-changing work. I built a habit of being inquisitive and intellectually curious about the world around me because I learned in undergrad that our human, …

Personalized, precise, and data-driven: Precision Medical Education is here

This article is sponsored by Altus Assessments, data insights for health care education. As diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives in medical education work towards improving the heterogeneity of learners, the weaknesses of an educatio…

Surviving medical school with depression [PODCAST]

“I was first diagnosed with major depressive disorder as a preteen after my teenage sister died. I attempted suicide three years later. This would be the first of several attempts and the first of countless times I felt my life was not worth livi…

Maintaining a patent airway in medical school

“GCS less than 8, intubate.” “Right, what else?” “Acute respiratory failure!” “Good, and what are the contraindications?” Crickets. The small flock of medical students stares blankly into our surgery TA’s face,…

How medical training teaches doctors to be financially unhealthy [PODCAST]

“We physicians must come to terms with the trauma caused by the financial insecurity built into our training and the ripple effect it has even after we finish training, both as a way to repair ourselves individually and as a way to assure that ou…

I will finish medical school and become a doctor — before I get scared

The dusty gym is a blur in my peripheral vision as I grip the high bar tightly and swing downwards from a handstand. I slightly pike at my hips to avoid hitting the low bar behind me before recruiting my abdominal muscles to tap my legs through a trans…

Taking care of yourself during medical school [PODCAST]

“Like some insidious conditions, feelings can fester. They can spread like cancer, and sap the spirit of nourishment until it starts to die, riddled with doubt and sensations of inadequacy. They can degrade the soul, as though it were suffering f…

Formalized mentorship as a requirement for medical schools

Mentorship is one of the cornerstones of growth as a clinician and student. Given that so much of medicine is learned outside of a classroom and through individual experiences, mentorship helps to clearly round out these experiences and help us grow as…