Category: Medical school

Medical students are benched during the pandemic [PODCAST]

“There is no single culprit responsible for this shift in medical education. However, two, in particular, should be noted. The first is the culture of defensive medicine, or more bluntly, CYA (cover-your-ass) medicine. This culture has been insid…

A medical student’s summer of 2020: Family matters

The summer of 2020 is easily one that I would rather forget but has been one that, I believe, will be etched in my memory for a very long time. After a brief vacation to visit my maternal relatives in India during last winter break, I welcomed  2020 wi…

When interviewing, remember it goes both ways

I’ve just completed traveling around the country for residency interviews, so I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to ask and answer personal questions. In my desired specialty of dermatology, a typical interview day consists of sho…

A medical student’s story of racism and bias

I am a third-year medical student at what I believe to be the most diverse medical school in the country. Every year our entering class is made up of at least 20 percent of students who identify as underrepresented in medicine. Beyond that, we make it …

Uphold your Hippocratic Oath by advocating for action on climate change

Dear Class of 2024, You are embarking on a career in medicine during one of the most pivotal times in our nation’s history. Each of you has an intimate experience with COVID-19, whether through first-hand contact with the disease or through the efforts…

Rapid changes to AOA inclusion are inequitable

The social unrest that has erupted in the wake of the George Floyd murder has prompted many U.S. professional organizations, including those dedicated to medical education, to make changes to advance racial and socioeconomic equity. Right now, a fierce…

It’s so important for medical students to share their stories [PODCAST]

“As a medical student, you find potential patients everywhere. Whether you’re on an airplane or on a romantic dinner date, we’ve all heard those famous words, ‘Is there a doctor in the house?!’ Here are some of my favorite ‘pati…

13 tips for medical students starting their clinical rotations

Each year, medical students across the country prepare to start the long-anticipated core clinical rotations. Suddenly, we’re thrust into a world of constant adaptation and evaluation, with many highs and many lows. As I finish up the year and new stud…

Finding a common chord with a patient

”I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” — Maya Angelou Before starting my dive into medicine, almost four years ago, I was an avid violinist, pianist, disc golfer, and novice chef. Each of these activities felt comfor…

As a medical student, you find potential patients everywhere

An excerpt from Diary of a Medical Student. As a medical student, you find potential patients everywhere. Whether you’re on an airplane or on a romantic dinner date, we’ve all heard those famous words, “Is there a doctor in the house?!” Here are some o…