Category: Medical school

When it becomes time to embrace fear and loss and let the chaos lead to growth

A man outfitted in a lovely blue suit falls through the air, losing his shoe and hurriedly scribbling notes, seemingly ignorant to the gravitational chaos around him. While this picture is featured on the cover of the novel Less by Andrew Sean Greer, I…

When it becomes time to embrace fear and loss and let the chaos lead to growth

A man outfitted in a lovely blue suit falls through the air, losing his shoe and hurriedly scribbling notes, seemingly ignorant to the gravitational chaos around him. While this picture is featured on the cover of the novel Less by Andrew Sean Greer, I…

Medical students are benched during the pandemic

Anyone who has ever played sports knows the feeling of being “benched.” I’ll recall my own experience participating in middle school football. I worked exceptionally hard during practice to prove myself to the coaches. A burning, ince…

I challenge you to discuss death

My medical school’s secondary application, like that of many other medical schools, asked me to describe a personal or professional challenge or conflict and to explain how I worked to resolve it. However, unlike other medical schools, my school specif…

A medical student walks out of a class. The silence that follows is what hurts most.

As a medical student, I was finally starting my clinical rotations, a time of great anticipation and celebration among medical students and their families. After two years of book learning, I was going to be called “doctor” and wear my shor…

Coronavirus takes a toll on IMGs: anxieties over USMLE Step 1 becoming pass/fail

The NBME has announced that the USMLE Step 1 exam is changing from graded on a curve to pass/fail no earlier than Jan 1, 2022. This announcement came before the coronavirus pandemic took hold and significantly disrupted pretty much everything, includin…

Tips for applying to medical school in a pandemic [PODCAST]

“If you are finding yourself with trouble studying or focusing due to the state of the world, or due to changing circumstances in your own household, remember that a delay in this test or in any part of your application is not the end of the worl…

A medical student’s unique education in a pandemic

“We will cease all remaining clerkships. Please thank your preceptors, collect your things, return home, and practice social distancing.” The email’s words were disappointing, but not surprising. Other medical schools had already pull…

It’s them, not you: the journey of applying to medical school

I hopped out of the elevator and looked at my watch. I was 20 minutes early. My heart was pounding in my ears, and my brain felt suddenly disconnected. I was standing outside of the office of a prestigious surgeon in a prestigious hospital, waiting to …

Why medical students should be taught the business side of medicine

The field of medicine is always changing. In fact, half of what students learn in medical school will either be wrong or outdated five years after they graduate. As future physicians, medical students must learn to adapt to these changes. In fact, the …