Category: Medical school

Even with education on hold, medical students still contribute

I’m a third-year medical student, but my medical education, as I knew it, is currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. Stanford has pulled its students from hospitals and clinics for the time being, following recommendations from the Ass…

COVID-19 made me realize that I’m not ready to die to be a doctor

My last block of medical school was supposed to be the best part of the past four years. I carefully crafted a four-week vacation from school, designed for searching for the perfect place to live during my emergency medicine residency while spending va…

Can I belong to the medical profession without having to give up everything else?

I had spent the morning in the operating room, holding open the mouth of a young man while the resident physician attempted to stabilize the fractures in his jaw bone and lace wires between his upper and lower gums, much the way one would thread a shoe…

Now is the time to eliminate tuition in the health sciences

My call to medicine came while sleeping on an old couch in a hospital room in Eastern Turkey, while my close friend lay waiting for a diagnosis. We were scared, but one physician put us at ease, giving us a plan, and being there to help whenever he cou…

An anatomy lab partner lost: What would Chris have thought about COVID-19?

Chris was my anatomy partner during medical school. We had the right side of the cadaver across from Felipe and Andrew. Felipe was the son of a famous chemist and would disappear after class. He is now an internist. Andrew was handsome and dated a beau…

What does sacrifice in medicine really mean?

Just another day as you work into the depths of the night. Medicine engulfs your life as your focus is centered on your responsibilities for tomorrow. You may or may not have time to sit down and enjoy a meal in silence. You may or may not have the opp…

We treat self-sacrifice as a currency in medicine

The world of COVID-19 has two poles: the frontline workers bravely putting themselves at risk for the greater good, exiled to tents in their backyards to protect their families – and the rest of humanity, asked to do its part by staying home. As a medi…

Being a medical student during the COVID-19 pandemic

On March 17th, in a nationwide effort to protect our patients and minimize the overuse of critical primary protective equipment (PPE), the most disposable force in the hospital was removed: our medical students. When I learned of this temporary suspens…

In the midst of a global health crisis, USMLE Step 1 needs to be made pass/fail now

Every aspect of life has been affected by COVID-19, including medical education. Since March 17, medical schools across the nation have suspended clinical rotations, per guidelines from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The target en…

Medical students: It is time to stop being spectators

On July 21, 1861, spectators traveled to Manassas, Virginia to witness the first battle of the American Civil War. The rich citizenry of the Union wanted to see how easily the Confederacy would collapse against the Federal Army, giving a quick end to t…