As the American Medical Association works to block state laws from broadening the scope of advanced practice registered nurses, six states have explored expanding APRNs’ roles.
Depression is prevalent among nurse practitioners, but these burned out professionals are reluctant to reach out for mental healthcare — instead choosing to embrace “maladaptive” personal coping skills including drinking and binge eating, according to …
Depression is prevalent among nurse practitioners, but these burned out professionals are reluctant to reach out for mental healthcare — instead choosing to embrace “maladaptive” personal coping skills including drinking and binge eating, according to …
With nursing burnout at an all-time high nationwide, the American Nurses Association is looking at solutions to provide support — one of which is through a free burnout prevention program for all members.
Hospitals should look to nurse practitioners in 2023 to help fill gaps created by the surging shortage of primary and mental healthcare professionals throughout the U.S., according to a Jan. 18 statement by the president of the American Association of …
As a PA, I’ve worked in some of the city’s busiest emergency departments. While they differ in practice styles, patient population, and architecture, they all have one thing in common: the nurses are overworked. As thousands of them go on s…
Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical and health services managers and physical therapist assistants are among the top 20 fastest growing jobs, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report.
Hospitals have leaned on wage increases and contract workers as short-term solutions to the nation’s nursing shortage, but these actions fail to address many of the issues that are spurring nurses to leave the bedside for roles with better hours and le…