Category: primary care

Thriving as a doctor: Why I still love my medical practice amidst burnout fears

I have always felt that I was in the mainstream of medical thought and actions. Recently, however, I have been subjected to a barrage of articles on physician burnout, depression, and even suicide! I am happy to be working in my medical practice. What …

An ankle away: the urgent call to listen to our bodies

In 2017, amidst the routine of caregiving for my elderly father, I experienced a sudden and unexpected turn of events that brought me face to face with an undeniable truth: the importance of knowing and listening to our bodies. I slipped on a carpet an…

From patient care to powerful stories: an interview with KevinMD [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Welcome to a special episode of the podcast where we turn the tables on Kevin Pho, the founder of KevinMD. In this episode, pediatrician Lisa Sieczkowski interviews Kevin,…

This doctor sometimes listens to pirates

I read in a dusty novel that a famous pirate said there are no legacies in this life. Our lives, he said, float atop a fickle sea, and when we die, nothing remains. Many hands work the decks and, in the process, are worn, discarded, and forgotten. The …

Blue Zones uncovered: a physician’s first-hand experience

A windy, bumpy road led my family into Costa Rica’s remote Nicoya Peninsula, one of the world’s five so-called Blue Zones. Our arrival in 2021 satisfied a wish I had made while undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer to visit this fascina…

Interdisciplinary care teams play a pivotal role in mitigating the clinician shortage

The evolving health care landscape presents a growing demand for skilled providers. To meet this challenge, health care leaders must prioritize innovation and explore solutions that leverage existing resources to deliver the high-quality care that pati…

Breaking free from perfectionism: a physician’s story of transformation

In my personal life and my training as a physician, the burden of “trying to never be wrong” was a mantle I was accustomed to carrying. In retrospect, it was probably a fusion of people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies. Part of this ch…

Why resilience training alone won’t fix physician burnout

In my work with thousands of overstressed physicians and over 175 health care organizations, I have repeatedly learned one lesson: resilience training alone is not sufficient to rein in the epidemic of physician burnout. If you believe, as I do, that p…

A social movement to save primary care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We welcome family physician Michael Fine alongside insights from medical resident Fatima Khan. Join us as we delve into the transformative journey of the Scituate Health A…

Health care’s breaking point: patients and physicians abandoned

I know you are wounded, as I am also injured. It is as if we have been battered and bruised and kicked to the side of the road, left there alone to suffer. An ignored problem will soon be forgotten; at least, that is their contention. We have screamed …