Category: Public Health & Policy

Health care as an uncommon good

American medicine is facing an identity crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic brought renewed attention to socioeconomic health disparities and turned up the heat on the question of whether health care is a right or a privilege. The financial strain on hospita…

Humane health care outcomes by creating therapeutic alliances

An excerpt from Humanizing Healthcare: Hardwire Humanity into the Future of Health. Now that humanizing health care has tangible meaning, let’s see how people experience it when executed. Having committed to continuously humanizing health care, we need…

Physician morale and the doctor’s voice [PODCAST]

“It is dangerously unfortunate that the use of masks has been politicized in many parts of our nation. The Dakotas (or North and South COVID as they were recently called on Saturday Night Live) are far from exempt from this phenomenon. Likely, if…

Saving our mothers requires taking more than baby steps 

During Black Maternal Health Week, the news that Illinois became the first state to extend Medicaid coverage from the former standard of 60 days postpartum to now 12 months postpartum marks a major victory for women of childbearing age, especially wome…

President Biden’s quest for a public option [PODCAST]

“COVID-19 disproportionately impacts those with pre-existing conditions, and our health care system leaves one in five Americans with a pre-existing condition uninsured. Further, with multiple COVID-19 vaccines already in early but slow distribut…

I was a teenage rifle owner, then an ER doctor

Many who know me might be shocked by this: I shot my first pistol when I was 8 or 9, taught by my father, a physician, aiming at targets in our basement. At summer camp, I loved riflery the way some kids loved art. Staring through the sight, down the b…

Health insurance in this country leaves a lot to be desired

I was an ICU nurse for 17 years, and it was during my last two years of my career when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Going into and out of the hospital for my chemo sessions. Going into and out of the clinic for my follow-up appointments with my on…

To achieve health equity, we must make culturally relevant care the standard of care

As a physician and businessperson who has dedicated his career to improving health equity, I consider news about vaccines going into arms bittersweet. An uncomfortable question remains: Whose arms are they going into? Data from the U.S. Department of H…

We must address glaring disparities in treatment [PODCAST]

“It is not enough to say we are anti-racist; we have to modify our systems to recognize that we have placed individuals of color at risk of poorer outcomes.  Lack of insurance, lack of finances, or even the presence of certain diagnoses may refle…

Asian and Asian-American hate is not new. It has reached a breaking point, and we have had enough.

For many of my patients, I am the first Asian and first Chinese person they have personally interacted with. I am placed in a unique situation at this point in time; being an Asian doctor (and the only Asian) working in a rural clinic in the middle of …