Category: Residency

3 strategies for matching into a competitive specialty, even with a lower USMLE score 

For applicants seeking to match into a competitive specialty, it can be challenging.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for programs to receive over 100 applications for a single residency position.  To sort through that many applications, many programs…

A message to medical interns, in the midst of a pandemic [PODCAST]

“Ultimately, our job is a difficult one. It’s hard to take usual comfort in heartwarming statistics or hollow promises of prosperity when you find yourself loving and grieving your patients. I have found there is comfort and an impenetrable hope …

COVID-19 highlights chronic oppressive job conditions [PODCAST]

“In medicine, the guise of ‘professionalism’ is an example of how an oppressive system has led us to believe that we ought not to advocate for our rights. It would be ‘unprofessional’ to organize for a better health care s…

What Caribbean medical students need to know about the residency match

For students studying at Caribbean medical schools, success in the residency match is a major concern. And it should be, because Caribbean medical students have unique challenges. At the same time, strategizing early in your medical school career can s…

Moving forward in medicine with your significant other

The transition from resident to doctor is overwhelming and can impact your personal life deeply, particularly within the context of your relationship. It is important to sit down and discuss with your partner or spouse and discuss your excitement and f…

Why we’ll never eradicate malignancy in medical training

For a bunch of folks striving to stomp out malignant processes in our patients, we sure tolerate a fair amount of destructive behavior among training programs. I’ll be the first to say I’m not the most delicate flower in the garden. Before pursuing med…

Unconventional residency interview tips

I’ve done a lot of interviews on my road to becoming a cardiology fellow. Here are a few topics that people don’t talk about enough. Speed dating I think of interviews like speed dating. Everyone puts on their “first date.” Everyone behaves their best;…

Does your doctor’s age matter?

If I had $100 for every time I walked into a patient’s room, introduced myself as the doctor, and was immediately asked, “Hey, how old are you?” I might be able to retire right now — at the age of 28. Of course, I am exaggerating, and yet this question…

A seasoned trainee: A doctor who shouldn’t have been 

Residency and fellowships are tough. While most trainees come in and expect medicine to be the most challenging thing they have to deal with, what makes a training program challenging to navigate seems to be entirely something else. Having trained in p…

A welcome to new residents

Twenty-five years have passed since I finished my residency, and a lot has changed. Back then, we hand wrote all our notes, and the only time we looked at a computer screen was to obtain laboratory results. Now, residents spend more time in front of a …