Resident physicians and fellows at Philadelphia-based University of Pennsylvania Health System are asking the health system to voluntarily recognize their union, the Committee of Interns and Residents.
While starting a private practice is an uphill battle for young physicians in 2023, many experts believe that it is still a viable, and even favorable, option for many with the right drive and mindset.
Philadelphia-based Penn Medicine’s Perelman School of Medicine and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia have teamed up for a new program encouraging more Black men to choose a career in medicine, NPR affiliate WHYY reported Feb. 16.
Flint, Mich.-based Insight operates a number of locations in the Midwest including its original neuroscience clinic in Flint as well as Insight Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago and Insight Surgical Hospital in Warren, Mich.
A California legislator has proposed a bill that would make a 2016 pilot program allowing direct employment of physicians permanent, Northern California Public Media reported Feb. 15.
The American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions jointly outlined competency-based training requirements for interventional cardiology trainees.