New Hyde Park, N.Y.-based Northwell Health has opened a $1.5 million practice in Smithtown, N.Y., that will house gastroenterology, internal medicine, rheumatology, cardiology, oncology and dermatology.
Johnson City, Tenn.-based Ballad Health has opened an outpatient cardiology clinic at the Norton (Va.) Community Hospital Healthplex, according to a Feb. 8 report from Times News.
Johnson City, Tenn.-based Ballad Health has opened an outpatient cardiology clinic at the Norton (Va.) Community Hospital Healthplex, according to a Feb. 8 report from Times News.
The rise in severe strep A infections that some children’s hospitals saw in the last few months of 2022 may mark a return to pre-pandemic levels, the CDC said in a Feb. 2 update.
There’s a $35,700 difference in pharmacists’ pay between a West Coast state and one on the East Coast, and a $10,000 salary difference between North Dakota and South Dakota.
Oracle Health Chair David Feinberg, MD, has been named to the board of Intus Care, which is developing a predictive analytics platform focused on geriatrics.
Hawaii’s 4 percent medical excise tax has been a burden on physicians treating patients with Medicare, affecting patient care, NBC affiliate KPVI reported Feb. 8.
Los Angeles-based Regal Medical Group and its affiliated companies are notifying patients of a recent ransomware attack that compromised some of their confidential information, JDSupra reported Feb. 7.