Olympus Medical Systems Corp. and one of its subsidiaries, Aizu Olympus Co., were issued two warning letters by the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health following facility inspections.
Hospital and health system mergers and acquisitions are projected to regain momentum in the following years as providers adapt to tougher financial conditions and look for strategic partnerships either to scale or stay afloat, according to a Kaufman Ha…
The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and its medical school announced a new strategic plan Jan. 12, which includes taking back ownership of healthcare facilities from Fairview Health Services in addition to possibly building a new hospital.
SCA Health, based in Deerfield, Ill., has grown over the last few years to include hundreds of surgery centers and thousands of physicians in its network.
Sports medicine as a specialty grew significantly from 2016 to 2021, while pulmonary disease fell most, according to the Association of American Medical College’s “2022 Physician Specialty Data Report.”
Implementing a new EHR can generate big time costs for hospitals and health systems, with some spending hundreds of millions to even more than a billion dollars on rollouts.