On Jan. 8, HHS appointed Stacy Sanders to serve as its inaugural chief competition officer. The newly created role is part of the Biden administration’s larger efforts to lower healthcare and drug costs.
University of Basel (Switzerland) and University Hospital Basel researchers discovered 35 unknown bacterial pathogens in blood or tissue samples, including seven that caused clinical infections.
Amazon Health is partnering with Omada, a virtual-first healthcare provider focused on treating and preventing chronic conditions including diabetes and hypertension.
The Minnesota Department of Health will hold a public hearing the evening of Jan. 17 regarding the planned closure of Sanford Bemidji (Minn.) Medical Center’s inpatient rehabilitation unit.
The University of Virginia board of visitors recently extended the contract of K. Craig Kent, MD, as executive vice president for health affairs and CEO for UVA Health through Jan. 31, 2030, which will take him up to 10 years at the helm of the system….