Port Jefferson, N.Y.-based St. Charles Hospital is opening a “micro” credit union inside its facility for hospital employees and families of patients, Long Island Business News reported Oct. 19.
Fayetteville, N.C.-based Cape Fear Valley Health disclosed that it suffered a data breach affecting 1,943 patients, The Fayetteville Observer reported Oct. 20.
A California judge rejected the request to prevent the tech giant Google from gathering user analytics data from websites of healthcare providers, Law360 reported Oct. 18.
A professor from University of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical Center said he’s worried that sophisticated, costly AI systems would only be implemented in high-resource hospitals, enhancing results for patients who are already relatively well-off.
Demand for the first FDA-approved respiratory syncytial virus drug for children is surpassing what the drugmaker expected, and the CDC has paused orders.
Faced with continued economic headwinds for 2024, independent and rural hospital CEOs are staying financially conservative while investing in technology and the workforce for the next year.
CVS is voluntarily pulling from its shelves some common decongestants that contain an active ingredient FDA advisors have deemed ineffective at relieving congestion.
Chris Howard has served as president and CEO of San Diego-based Sharp HealthCare since January 2019, and he said one of the roles of a leader is to ensure the success of an organization continues long after that leader leaves.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has provided 88 abortions to veterans and beneficiaries since it began offering the service last year, according to federal documents obtained by Military.com.
Pardee Hospital, in Hendersonville, N.C. — a UNC Health entity — has selected Marilee Arnold, MSN, RN, as its new chief nursing officer, according to an Oct. 17 news release.