Both outpatient and inpatient volumes declined in July versus the previous month, with outpatient numbers decreasing slightly more than inpatient, according to the most recent National Hospital Flash Report from Kaufman Hall.
Remote-patient monitoring can help with physician burnout, as it can unload some of their day-to-day tasks, Richard Milani, MD, chief clinical transformation officer at Ochsner Health, told the AMA on Sept. 8.
Lawrence (Kan.) Memorial Hospital is using an artificial intelligence program, dubbed KATE, during its triage process, which has helped staff with their decision-making process and reduced biases, Lawrence-Journal World reported Sept. 10.
Hospitals across Virginia will now be required to have at least one off-duty officer or trained security personnel in their emergency departments at all times, according to a new law.
Brenda Wolf is retiring as president and CEO of La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago after 12 years at the helm, the Hyde Park Herald reported Sept. 11.
The Lown Institute, a nonpartisan healthcare think tank, is expanding its research into hospitals’ financial behavior after receiving a $1.5 million grant from Arnold Ventures, a philanthropic fund.
Some hospitals are tightening security measures because of an increase of violence against their workers, including St. Charles Health System, a four-hospital system headquartered in Bend, Ore., according to The Bulletin.