The Lown Institute, a nonpartisan healthcare think tank, is expanding its research into hospitals’ financial behavior after receiving a $1.5 million grant from Arnold Ventures, a philanthropic fund.
Some hospitals are tightening security measures because of an increase of violence against their workers, including St. Charles Health System, a four-hospital system headquartered in Bend, Ore., according to The Bulletin.
The technology healthcare will use in 50 years is impossible to predict, but nursing leaders agree that the one thing that will not change is the importance of caring individuals at the bedside.
Members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will vote Sept. 12 on for whom the new COVID-19 vaccination will be recommended, but some critics say it should be only for older and immunocompromised populations, KFF Health News repor…
The use of telemedicine by skilled nursing facilities has declined by 30 percent in the last three years, according to research published Aug. 18 in JAMA.
Orlando (Fla.) Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital has named Heather Moynihan, BSN, RN, its new associate chief nursing officer, according to a Sept. 11 news release.
Unionized workers on strike against Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J., recently held a march amid their labor dispute with the hospital.