Category: surgery

How a ruptured spleen saved a life

Of the many thousand operations I did in my surgical career, most were life-improving rather than life-saving. To me, life-saving implies immediate or imminent risk of death: gunshot wounds, stabbings, gastrointestinal bleeding or perforations, punctur…

The secret superstitions of surgeons: How rituals impact surgical success

“Man is a dupeable animal. Quacks in medicine, quacks in religion, and quacks in politics know this, and act upon that knowledge. There is scarcely anyone who may not, like a trout, be taken by tickling…there is scarcely a disease for which a cha…

Unleash your healing superpower: Sorting emotions in health care

We don’t always choose to tap into the power of our emotions. Our reluctance frequently comes from our background, as the transformation required to channel our feelings is uncomfortable, forcing us to examine our biases and sit with them. Even t…

Taylor Swift in the operating room: the surgeon who found strength in song

Every surgeon dreams of the day when they’ll wield the cold steel of the scalpel independently. Of the day they’ll see their name on the daily operating room (OR) schedule. Of the day they’ll be the one leading the surgery team. Of th…

Tragic turn in the OR: A rookie doctor’s race against time

An excerpt from A Surgeon’s Knot. The phone jarred Jackson Cooper, MD’s weary, anxious brain into consciousness from the edge of sleep. He jumped up, dropping the receiver on the cold floor of the call room. “Hello,” he said, te…

5 days, 5 minutes: life-changing daily habits for health care professionals

It’s no secret that health care workers are some of the most stressed and burned-out professionals in the workforce. Health care was a tough job even before we had to bear the brunt of the worst of the pandemic. Even now that we’re nearly f…

Why physicians are leaving: Exploring the burnout crisis

The alarming rise in physicians resigning from their roles is a testament to the severity of the crisis. Where physicians were once the pillars of health care, delivering vital services to their communities, they now find themselves struggling with dim…

A neurosurgeon’s quest to solve medication nonadherence [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join neurosurgeon Katrina Firlik as she delves into the world of health care data and the importance of citing sources. Explore her journey from treating patients to becoming an entrepreneu…

Tips for success as a plastic surgeon [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Mossi Salibian, a plastic surgeon, as he shares his journey from a background in biochemistry to becoming a successful practitioner in the field. Mossi delves into the intersection of …

Top tips to find success as a plastic surgeon, according to an industry veteran

Over the past 20-plus years, I have made my mark within the plastic surgery field. I firmly believe that dedicating valuable time to understanding each patient and grasping their sense of aesthetics and beauty is essential in providing exceptional pati…