Category: Tech

The secret to making AI work for physicians

If you are a physician or know a physician or have ever visited one, chances are you have probably heard them complain about technology in health care. More to the point, they are likely to be complaining about the one piece of technology that affects …

Will artificial intelligence be able to have this conversation?

Transformation of health care is underway: The landscape is filled with innovation, and the horizon is dotted with technological possibilities of “Star Trek” ilk. In a recent New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst article, there was a compelling argu…

How EMR alert fatigue overwhelms physicians

As a hospitalist, like most in health care, I am afflicted by the slow march of thousands of mouse clicks on the electronic health record (EHR) every day I work.  But after starting a new job and learning a new EHR, I have become painfully aware of the…

Must-have medical apps for primary care

Earlier this year, we put together a list of what we thought were the best medical apps for health care providers. Now at the end of 2018, we’re augmenting that list to give you a full picture of what we think are must-haves medical apps for those in p…

How Google is quietly influencing medicine

With nearly 80 percent of internet users searching online for health-related information, it’s no wonder the catchphrase “Dr. Google” has caught on, to the delight of many searchers and the dismay of many real doctors. What’s received little attention …

The clinical burden of documentation

The purpose of clinical documentation is to efficiently communicate critical data to peers in a readable fashion while meeting compliance and billing requirements. This documentation should not represent a data dump. Physicians continually increase our…

The Apple Watch’s ECG feature could save many lives. But only if it has something else.

Recently the Apple Watch’s latest feature went live – an electrocardiogram (ECG) app that monitors irregular heart rhythms. The internet is overflowing with reports from people didn’t know they had irregular heartbeats until they took their data to the…

Getting to a minimum viable product (MVP) health care app: Partner with physicians

Over the course of several years, IBM’s fledgling Watson for Oncology program has received a wide range of reviews. Among them is a harsh critique published by Gizmodo.  The article is filed under the keywords “AI,” “Watson,” “health,” “health care,” a…

Getting to a minimum viable product (MVP) health care app: Partner with physicians

Over the course of several years, IBM’s fledgling Watson for Oncology program has received a wide range of reviews. Among them is a harsh critique published by Gizmodo.  The article is filed under the keywords “AI,” “Watson,” “health,” “health care,” a…

Keeping up with the rapid developments in mobile health technology

I had the opportunity to participate in a day-long meeting sponsored by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). The goal was to help HRS develop recommendations for physicians and industry on providing patients access to information generated by wearable and i…