Category: Workforce

US job market still missing 2.6 million people

The U.S. economy continues to see the effects of the pandemic, with 2.6 million fewer Americans participating in the U.S. labor force compared to workforce participation before COVID-19, Bloomberg reported Jan. 18. 

The case against nurse staffing ratios

Washington state lawmakers have introduced a bill that would limit the number of patients a nurse can legally care for in hospitals, reigniting a long-standing debate over the benefits and consequences of mandated staffing ratios. 

New York healthcare worker vaccine mandate 'null, void,' judge rules

A state Supreme Court judge has struck down New York’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, ABC affiliate WKBW reported Jan. 16. 

Las Vegas system to host career fair for local colleagues facing layoffs

Las Vegas-based University Medical Center of Southern Nevada will host a two-day career fair to help workers affected by layoffs at another Las Vegas hospital, Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center, according to a Jan. 12 news release shared with Beck…

8 healthcare companies offering the most remote jobs

Several healthcare and medical companies made FlexJobs’ latest list of “Top 100 Companies with Remote Jobs.”

Geisinger commits to continued security training after employee was shot, killed outside hospital

Danville, Pa.-based Geisinger is reiterating its commitment to safety after a Dec. 30 shooting outside its Geisinger Medical Center campus took the life of a hospital employee. 

Workers call on HCA to boost staffing at 150+ hospitals

Hundreds of members of the Service Employees International Union plan to rally Jan. 12 at West Hills (Calif.) Hospital and Medical Center over staffing at hospitals owned by Nashville, Tenn.-based HCA Healthcare, according to a union news release share…

Washington healthcare workers relaunch campaign for limits on patient loads

A coalition of healthcare workers in Washington has relaunched efforts for state legislation that would limit the number of patients workers care for at a given time.

Remote work likely to stick, even in economic slowdown

Employees enjoyed a more flexible, comfortable workplace without having to commute to the office at the pandemic’s height. Now, they are fighting to keep remote work an option — and some employers are reeling back their hesitancy, The New York Times re…

2022 ends with improved YOY healthcare job growth

Healthcare gained 54,700 jobs in December, ending the year with improved job growth compared to 2021, according to the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.