Female physicians and the fiberglass ceiling

A male physician — one who sits on multiple committees at a large hospital in Dallas — was recently quoted in the Dallas Medical Journal, that female physicians earn less, and they “choose to or they simply don’t want to be rushed.” Adding, “most of the time, their priority is something else … family, social, whatever.”

I should be astounded that a colleague, in 2018, who appears to be about my age, would think so concretely, let alone state it publicly as though he’s commenting on a breed of dogs ( “… the female Yorkies tend to shy away from true terrier traits, they are not as hard-working”).

Why am I not shocked? Well, because he stating what every female physician already knows. Medicine doesn’t have a glass ceiling. It has a fiberglass one. You will break your neck trying to shatter it. So, we go around it, through any crevice we can find, and try not to get noticed on the way.

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