Three years ago, I left the only path I had ever known to pursue uncertainty on the other side of the world. But let me back up. In July of 2011, five years into my career as an academic hospitalist, the residency work hours changed. Although the intent was obviously to benefit the well-being of the residents and the safety of patients, it took a tremendous toll on attending physicians at my institution. It was such an abrupt and dramatic change, and it didn’t take long until I was on the brink of mental and physical exhaustion, unable to handle even minor setbacks. I’ll spare you all of the details, because you probably already know what burnout looks like. I eventually managed to get some time off for ‘self-care’ and spent the week on a truly relaxing spa vacation – the ultimate remedy, right? But when I went back to work, there was my burnout, waiting for me and stronger than ever.
Then, something changed. I met someone who meditated twice a day. I became fascinated. I was the biggest skeptic ever, and who has time for that? But I went to listen to his teacher speak, and then I took his course. The practice immediately had a profound effect on my reactivity to stressful situations, my overall sense of happiness and well-being and my levels of energy and creativity. I was frankly amazed at the ease and immediacy of the benefits I received from this easy, effortless activity.
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