How physicians’ grit is being taken advantage of

A vivid memory stands out from my career.

Driving home from the hospital at 3 a.m., I reflected upon my most recent patient’s middle of the night delivery. It wasn’t an easy delivery, as they often aren’t. However, in the end, we had a healthy mom and baby and the family couldn’t have been happier — nor could I.

I felt a sense of gratitude as I was driving in the darkness and eerily quiet interstate. I couldn’t imagine a job better than mine or anywhere else I would rather be working. Despite the fact that it pulled me from my bed at all hours of the night and being emotionally and physically exhausted, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I felt so lucky to be in a career that gave immense personal satisfaction, while helping others, and it paid me well. What’s not to love?

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Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.

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