“I love my patients … but I love myself, too!”

An excerpt from the Docs Outside the Box podcast, episode 3: How Dr. Drai gets paid the big bucks to do what he loves!

Dr. Nii Darko: Have you ever wanted to know what the lifestyle was like for Dr. Sanjay Gupta, or even a Dr. Oz — or even the doctors in the show “The Doctors?” I’ve always wanted to know exactly how they got to that point, I’ve always wanted to know even what the daily schedule is. And I know I’m not the only one. I’m sure you all have wondered exactly how they got to that point. I think, obviously, as physicians we know the starting point, which is medical school, and then we know the endpoint for them, which is being a TV-branded personality. But I think, just as important as understanding how they got to that point.

I’ve got a really good episode coming up for you. I’ve got a great guest for you. He’s charismatic, and he’s fun, he kept me on my toes this entire interview. But, on this episode, you’re going to hear from Dr. Draion Burch. He takes a very unique approach to his practice as a board-certified OB-GYN doc, so to speak.

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