Love smart functions in your EMR? This doctor doesn’t.

How smart do we want our electronic health record to be?

Somewhere between as dumb as a piece of paper and a pen, and too smart for our own good.

Many, many years ago, before we spent the majority of our office visit staring at a flatscreen LED and typing away, our charts were simple manila folders with those bendy metal bars that allowed you to insert new pages, separated into multiple sections with cool little colored divider tabs.

You’d open up the chart, find the most recent progress note, go to the end of that one, and just start writing.

Sure, there were red pages that listed allergies, little flags that said whether the patient was a smoker, yellow pages where a patient’s medical problem list were supposed to be kept updated, a separate page for medications, then a lot of laboratory and imaging and miscellaneous sections.

Paper and pen.

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