Teaching attendings: Are we Dolores Umbridge?

As luck would have it, I flew (figuratively speaking, of course) down the highway to work this afternoon while listening to the sweeping saga of Harry Potter.

As you may know, not unlike the medical students we teach, no student enters the hallowed halls of Hogwarts without a gift. All possess the potential to master — after years of study and practice, of course — the art and science of magic.

Despite an institutional history checkered by prejudice and conflict, students are now welcomed at Hogwarts regardless of social class, sex, appearance or the purity of their bloodline. Wizard- or Muggle-born, all those endowed with the capacity for magic have a place there. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, a wizard of scrupulous integrity, is rightly and deeply beloved. Not only does he model an inspiring commitment to the triumph of life over death, he’s funny.

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