The answer to your prior authorization problem is simpler than you think

Prior authorizations (PAs) have become increasingly burdensome for providers — they contribute to 92 percent of care delays and an estimated 77 million are submitted manually each year. In fact, the process has become so burdensome that many physicians get fed up with the process end up writing for less-effective prescriptions because they know the preferred drug will require a prior authorization.

This is forcing providers to face a frustrating decision every day: prescribe the best medication and risk delays in care by submitting a PA that may be denied or require step therapy? Or avoid the PA from the start and write for a less-effective, though pre-approved prescription?

Regardless of the decision, this is a problem that has yet to be resolved despite the development of new technology and software — such as electronic prior authorizations (ePAs) — that have tried to streamline the process. While these solutions have helped, they are temporary at best, as their lack of widespread adoption still leaves physicians and their staff responsible for the time and financial commitment associated with PAs.

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