The majority of physicians will never experience the vast upper echelons of wealth

Necessity is the mother of invention. If you need something badly enough, you are more likely to find a way to obtain it. This proverb clearly rings true in all aspects of life. The key is really knowing how badly we need it. I knew someone who wanted to become a dermatologist. After several additional years of research after medical school and applying to residency, she eventually achieved her goal. Some accomplishments can be achieved with enough persistence, desire, intelligence, and maybe some luck.

Society loves achievement stories. People who defy odds to achieve. The J.K. Rowlings. The Jay-Z’s. These are people who defied the impossible and found a strategy to transform it into success. As doctors, we’ve all struggled with adversity to get to our current situation. Some of these doctors were first-generation college graduates in their families.  Others dug deeply into their reserve to overcome poor academic records to finish in the top of their class and enter the most competitive of the specialties.

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