Why doctors don’t call in sick when they should

Recent research from Florida Atlantic University and Cleveland State University have found a direct correlation between preventative health care and the number of paid sick leave days a worker gets. Workers with more than 10 paid sick days annually access preventative care more frequently than those without paid sick days.

Preventative care, in turn, leads to better overall mental and physical health. Doctors that are in private practice function like small business owners, when they are out for any reason, including sickness, they must pay overhead without collecting income.  Doctors in academic practices and those employed by hospitals may have sick days in their benefits that range from 2 to 3 weeks paid sick leave per annum.

However, most doctors never take any of their sick days.  This is not because doctors don’t get sick. Taking sick days is highly frowned upon in the medical world, and residents are taught from the start not to call in sick no matter what the impending illness might be.

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