Why physicians should embrace failure

Failure is a guarantee. “Success” assumes that certain metrics have been set and that the words used to describe those metrics are understood in the exact same way by all parties involved. One patient with parotid cancer and given facial paralysis after surgery was thrilled to be alive. Another is furious about a widened scar.

The brain, primed to act on behalf of the organism, works at times without our input and leads us astray. Neuroscience has definitively shown that we can only process so much at once. What if Chabris and Simon’s “Invisible Gorilla” is a clavicular tumor, unseen on a routine chest film while analyzing possible airspace disease?

Adam and Eve messed up, fooled by the mind and temptation. The Bible tells an old story of failure of the human race, over and over again. Each time, something was learned, and not repeated by someone else. We are better off now because of it.

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