A physician’s first financial advisor

I usually simplify things here on the blog.  Sometimes it is easier to glaze over a part of the story instead of pulling out all the details.  Others, the point is clearer when not bogged down by tangentially related details.  What’s lost in nuance, however, often adds shades of complexity to the picture.  Occasionally another viewpoint is suppressed on purpose.  I have frequently referred to the fact that I fired my financial advisor.  In the simple math of investing, his returns were slightly sub par.  But it may interest you to know that he was my second.  My first financial advisor, like my father, died tragically from an unexpected brain hemorrhage.

I will never forget him.

Rest in peace

I could feel the energy of the crowd tense as the room collectively leaned in.  After his wife and parents had spoken, his brother opened up the mic to the crowd.  The momentary stillness was broken by a crowd of people who decided to step towards the lectern.

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