A reminder that science is never settled

Science is in a constant state of flux. Theories are put forth to explain natural phenomena, based on the best knowledge of the day. These theories are tested. If they correctly predict future observations, the theories become more credible. If, however, these theories fail to predict accurately, they require modification or outright dismissal.

What is considered “settled science” one day may be turned upside down the next day as new data comes to light. At one time, it was “settled” that the sun and stars revolved around the earth and that the earth was flat. As science advanced and new data was gathered, these “settled” theories were scrapped.

Recently, three bits of medical “settled science” have come into question. New information does not necessarily disprove the original ideas but throws their veracity into question. And illustrates the folly of proclaiming that the science is settled, cutting off any further disagreement or debate.

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