Alexandra Sternlicht, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Study Says Obese People Should Quarantine Longer

For 28 days, suggests researchers.

Coronavirus Found In Semen: Can It Be Sexually Transmitted?

A new study found COVID-19 in semen of male patients.

Top Three U.S. Health Officials—Including Fauci—Go Into Quarantine

A senior White House staffer tested positive for COVID-19.

Japan Approves Remdesivir For Use On Severe COVID-19 Patients

It remains unknown whether the drug is safe or effective in treating coronavirus.

One Day After Reopening, Florida Hit A Single-Day Death Record High

The first time the state reported 100-plus coronavirus deaths in a day.

The Number Of Mothers Reporting Food Insecurity Has Jumped More Than 200% Since Start Of Pandemic

This number has increased 260% from 2018.

Meet The Animal Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Winter the llama, Peanut the pony and more fuzzy friends work their wonders.

Federal Vaccine Official Alleges Cronyism, Says Ousted For Raising Concerns Over Coronavirus Response

Rick Bright says in whistleblower complaint that his concerns over preparedness for the pandemic were ignored and contracts were awarded based on ‘political favoritism.’

Trump: ‘We Have The Best Testing In The World…I Don’t Think You Need That Much Testing’

There is evidence to the contrary.

Entire Stockpile Of Coronavirus Treatment Remdesivir Donated To Government, Says CEO

It will get to patients early this week, he says.