Annalisa Girardi, Contributor

Author's posts

Italy Lowered Tariffs On Truffles At 5% While Tampons Remain A Luxury Product Taxed At 22%

The Italian government lowered taxes on truffles mushrooms at 5%, considering the luxurious food as a primary necessity good, while the tampon tax remains high at 22%. The decision has triggered once again the protests on accessibility for women to fem…

Milan: The Grey City Is Going Green

Milan is known for its fog and ashy gray buildings, but it is changing its color palette. The city is going green by planting 3 million trees by 2030 to absorb more carbon dioxide and reduce PM10 small particles that pollute the air and are responsible…

Free Condoms And Immigrants: When Political Controversies Deter Health Reforms

The Five Star Movement outlined a draft law that granted free contraception to all under-26s, but since the proposal also covered for immigrants and asylum seeker, it created conflict in the government with the far-right League. The debate highlighted …