<span itemprop="author">Cesar Padilla, MD

Author's posts

Scientists predicted remdesivir’s success with a simulation. Here’s how.

In 2002 pro baseball manager Billy Beane accomplished the impossible. He took the Oakland Athletics, a low-budget team comprised of unknown baseball players to the playoffs. The story’s magic is that he was able to compete with the Goliaths of the base…

Our foundation as a nation and the care for the sick, poor, and injured are inextricably linked

As Americans, we rarely question the authenticity or relevance of our constitution. Although segments are hotly debated, and parts are amended over time, the document stands as a light of legal and ethical truism. The foundation of our country and its …

A doctor’s poem as an intensivist and obstetric anesthesiologist

The room is half-lit from the sunset. Crowding around the bed, in almost saint-like postures, is the family of our patient who is in her last moments of life. I do my best to console the family, a light touch on the shoulder, and honest stare. Then, th…