Christine Ro, Contributor

Author's posts

The Need To Avoid COVID-19 Stigma: Lessons From TB Response

As the head of an asylum center, Christina Birkemose was nervous that she, or the people she worked with, would be stigmatized if she revealed that she had tuberculosis.

Odd-Shaped Parks May Be Better For Health

“a small number of larger parks will be much better than many small lawn parcels”

Religious Leaders Can Help Build Vaccine Confidence

religion may be getting used as a justification for anti-vaxx beliefs, not necessarily as the source of them

Why The Global Kidney Exchange Remains Controversial

Is it exploitative or resourceful to make use of the disparity between high-income countries like the US and middle-income countries like the Philippines and Mexico?

Developing Low-Cost Medical Devices In Bangladesh

“We believe that science and technology should be relevant to the people. And this relevance has been missing from our scientific community.”

How To Make Your Own Asthma Spacer, Using A Plastic Bottle

Asthma is a global disease, but its impacts aren’t

Bhutan Prepares For Zero Malaria: A Photo Story

The tiny Himalayan country is hoping to reach malaria-free status within the next few years.

This Dental Technique Saving Teeth And Money In Sudan Could Be Used Worldwide

A low-tech method of capping children’s cavities appears to be just as good as the conventional method, and doesn’t require electricity.

Racial Stereotypes Are Making Americans Sicker

Flawed racial narratives make people sick. Literally sick.

Antimicrobial Resistance Is Being Called A Sustainable Development Issue

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most pressing threats to human existence. And a recent report from two Swedish organizations argues that AMR should be thought of not just as a matter of health, but more broadly as a development issue.