<span itemprop="author">Christy Huff, MD

Author's posts

The updated benzodiazepine boxed warning: What you need to know

“I am [sharing] my story as I would like to raise awareness about the dangers of benzodiazepines and advocate for stronger warning labels.” I paused to wipe away tears before typing the final words of Bobbi’s report into the FDA’s MedWatch online repor…

Stop cutting patients off their prescribed benzodiazepines

In the wake of the opioid epidemic, benzodiazepines have been called “our other prescription drug problem” and “the next U.S. drug crisis.” Prescriptions are on the rise, with over 30 million Americans reporting benzodiazepine use in the previous year….

A Xanax prescription that should have been rejected

In hindsight, I should have never accepted a Xanax prescription from my doctor. What followed was catastrophic — rapidly developing tolerance and physical dependence on the drug and a prolonged illness. Three-and-a-half years later, I am still slowly t…