Category: Psychiatry

Time to educate the psychiatric patient

The initial psychiatric interview of a patient is often a crucial part of the developing relationship between patient and physician. Establishing rapport, reaching a diagnosis, discussing treatment options, and formulating a plan, are the main framewor…

How to support physician wellness during the toughest times

Michael Foti, MD, and Tushar Bhagat, PhD, recently reached out to me, each expressing that we are committed to the same goal: well-being for others, especially physicians. I paired them up for an episode of my YouTube channel, where they poignantly sha…

Donald Trump’s near-death experience: A journey of potential transformation?

Near-death experiences (NDEs) have fascinated both the medical community and the general public due to their profound and often transformative effects on individuals. These experiences typically occur in situations where a person is close to death or f…

Finding peace after years of abuse: a journey through grief

I had been looking forward to and, at the same time, dreading this appointment. Her husband had been ill for many months, but that had not stopped the verbal abuse that superseded the physical blows he could no longer inflict. She had, over many previo…

Mental health in jail [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we explore the complexities of the doctor-patient relationship in a challenging setting with our guest, Joseph Baskin, a jailhouse psychiatrist. Joseph sh…

It’s time for physicians to reclaim their voice and identity

Kim Downey Wherever conversations surrounding health care occur, similar frustrations emerge, whether I’m speaking with a physician in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, or New Zealand. I’ve recently been in dialogue with Olivia Morris,…

What would you save if your house was on fire?

The obvious answer is just that, of course. I would save my wife and myself. Everything else is replaceable—well, almost everything. Read on. Twenty years ago, before the launch of the iPhone and before social media ruled the world, two of the most imp…

Balancing diabetes and mental health: the medication challenge [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with Jennifer Jonsson, a patient advocate, to explore the complex world of medication interactions and their impact on mental health. Jennifer shares her perso…

Transform relationships: Embrace real interactions over digital distractions

As a health care writer and subject matter expert in public health policy for the treatment of chronic pain and opioid addiction, I spend a lot of time online reading or writing. Nearing the age of 80, I have time for such occupations. In that context,…

President Biden’s debate performance: episode or condition?

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that it is valid for people to ask whether Joe Biden’s June 27, 2024 debate performance against Donald Trump, which was weak at best and incoherent at worst, was just “an episode” or p…