<span itemprop="author">Curtis G. Graham, MD

Author's posts

A proven way to crush burnout and financial loss of your private medical practice

Unfortunately, the widespread financial opinions and advice to private medical practice physicians suffering from inadequate practice income today are dominated by a tsunami of experts outside of the medical profession. This includes the administrators…

Reaching the cutting edge of medical practice, and losing it

Where I stand today regarding my forty years in clinical medical practice forces me to say things that every physician can personally relate to. After all, we old guys frequently languish in dispensing medical advice to our peers. Most of it comes from…

The medical profession’s silent struggle: Business knowledge matters

Isn’t it incredible that generations of physicians today still do not know how to make money in a professional business way that is easy to learn, implement, and use? Aside from the fact that every medical school in our nation over the last centu…

Government neglect and the erosion of private medical practice

Who could imagine that physicians born with an enigmatic passion to be in a position where the health of our civilization depends on them would be caught in so many obstructive and despicable circumstances that have led to increasing attrition of physi…

Private medical practice: thriving with business knowledge

Are you happy and satisfied with your private medical practice today? Over 65 percent of physicians admit they aren’t. Such a high percentage is indicative of serious problems within the medical profession that aren’t being resolved. These …

Harnessing ignorance: quantum reality and medicine

Scientists refer to this seeming paradox as being derived from the nature of quantum reality and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Ignorance can be a “strength.” For example, when we want to identify someone, the photons that arrive…

The power of business knowledge for medical professionals

My own hundreds of medical articles floating around in the media today about business education being the rigorous standard for profitable and successful businesses, such as private medical practice business, seem to be unworthy for consideration by th…

Arrogance and lack of business education in medicine

Dr. Osler was a physician who believed that dignified opinions in the medical profession created a destructive potential for the facts and truth about medical knowledge. The wisdom of his belief has traveled far beyond his time. In fact, his view of ar…

Business education’s role in preventing physician practice decline

Physicians, particularly those who haven’t received business education, must address the frequently circulated question among their ranks: “Can you practice medicine without money?” Medical history unveils an era when most physicians …

The cost of skipping business education for doctors

Every business, regardless of type, size, or structure, has one primary reason: to make profits. In economic theory, every business is successful exactly to the extent that it does something others cannot. Business profitability rises to the extent tha…