David Mindell, Contributor

Author's posts

The Work Of The Future: Building Better Jobs In An Age Of Intelligent Machines

The pandemic struck halfway through our three year effort, introducing wild swings: squeezes on essential workers, and mass unemployment followed by acute labor shortages and new ways of working.

Will Autonomous Vehicles Bring A Jobless Future? A New MIT Report Says Not So Fast

Highly automated (so-called “Level 4”) vehicles are at least a decade away from widespread adoption, and are likely to evolve unevenly across regions and geographies

What the Lion Air Crash Teaches Us About Autonomous Cars

The crash of a Lion Air 737 in Indonesia holds lessons for those contemplating complex autonomy in automobiles — even in the high regulated world of aviation, small software changes combined with maintenance, training, and human pilots to sow the seed…

Are Home Health Aids The New Turing Test For AI?

Rodney Brooks argues that a home health aid should be a new model for Artificial Intelligence