<span itemprop="author">Dawn Sears, MD

Author's posts

You need a break from the front lines of health care

The current era of health care delivery has been aptly compared with going to war against an invisible enemy that can attack anywhere, at any time and with novel means. This invisible enemy was attacking the civilians as well as the “front line&#…

10 replaceable thoughts (and 15 books) to help you survive burnout

Physicians are leaving the broken medical system at unprecedented rates. We continue through a war with an uncertain liberation day, and we are exhausted. Meanwhile, the only battlefront in which we have control is that of our mind. We have not been ta…

10 ways to pay for women in medicine program

“That’s great. You want to start a women in medicine program! How are you going to pay for it?” This is the most common question and potential barrier from colleagues, leaders, and those who understand the value of these programs.  We found that our tw…