<span itemprop="author">Dr. Natasha Khalid

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Pay heed to the little life traumas that hit us daily

In a world where everything is fast-paced, I believe we miss out on some stuff that deserves our attention. Just like we need to stop and smell the roses, we need to stop and pay heed to the little life traumas that hit us daily. For today, I will jot …

Understand the power of words when curing and harming

Some things in a physician’s life are perpetual. Nowadays, COVID-19 has become one of these inescapable crises that doctors must deal with. At this point, everyone – including medical practitioners – is exhausted to the core. It feels…

I’m a doctor who had COVID. Did I deserve this? Does anyone?

During this pandemic, do we blame people for acquiring COVID or do we empathize? I wonder this as I read a message from my senior, who mentions that people are suffering or in isolation due to COVID because of their own negligence. My mind reflects bac…

Doctors: Don’t care about your handwriting? You should.

A quintessential art of communication is a well-written note. A decent note is one that is self-explanatory as you read. However, to read, you need to understand what is written, and decent handwriting is vital. Unfortunately, neat handwriting is somet…

Chronicles of a resident’s life

I love working but detest taking exams. Since life only gives you more of what you try to run away from, on a Friday morning, I had to present a patient in front of my colleagues and attendings in our weekly clinical grand rounds. After that, I had to …