Elana Lyn Gross, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Cuomo Says FDA, CDC Under Trump Lack ‘Credibility’ On Approving Coronavirus Vaccine

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he thinks Americans will be “very skeptical” about taking a coronavirus vaccine and “they should be” skeptical.

Colts Become Latest Team To Shut Facility Because Of Covid-19

The team is in the process of confirming the test results and will work remotely in the meantime.

Harris Cancels Travel After 2 Campaign Workers Contract Covid-19

Biden and Harris were not considered close contacts, the campaign said.

Harris Cancels Travel After 2 Campaign Workers Contract Covid-19

Biden and Harris were not considered close contacts, the campaign said.

Barron Trump Tested Positive For Covid-19 Along With President, First Lady

The first lady did not disclose the exact date Barron got sick.

Germany Will Pay $662 Million To Holocaust Survivors Struggling Because Of The Pandemic

The funds add to the $4.3 million distributed in the spring to agencies that care for survivors.

Eli Lilly Covid-19 Antibody Treatment Trial Is Paused Due To ‘Potential Safety Concern’

President Trump has promoted the company’s antibody treatment in recent videos.

Senator Shares Story Of Wife’s Abortion To Underline Stakes Of Supreme Court Nomination For Women’s Health

Peters is the first sitting senator to share a personal experience with abortion, according to Elle.

Trump Reportedly Will Stay At The White House This Weekend

Trump is likely eager to start campaigning as the election is days away and he’s falling in the polls.

D.C. Health Department Raps White House For ‘Limited Contact Tracing,’ Urges Workers To Get Tested For Covid-19

On Wednesday, the state of emergency was extended through the end of the year.