Elizabeth Fernandez, Contributor

Author's posts

How Can We Responsibly Return To Work And End Social Distancing?

We all want to get out of the house. But we need to do it the right way in order to prevent a catastrophic amount of deaths.

The COVID-19 Coronavirus Is Now A Pandemic – Can We Ethically Deal With Lockdowns?

Done wrongly, it can take our rights and freedoms away. But done correctly, it can dramatically reduce the spread and mortality rate of this disease.

Is The Empathetic Brain Inherently Different?

Scientists try to understand where empathy comes from, and if it changes how the brain works.

To Live Long, Or To Prosper?

Researchers have found a way to extend the lifetime of the C. elegans worm by 500%. But thinking the result means that humans will live to 400 years old is missing the point.

Human Participants In Experimentation On The Brain? They Better Be Treated Well.

BRAIN’s working group recently developed a set of ethical guidelines, some of which have not been widely considered before.

Yes, People Can Edit The Genome In Their Garage. Can They Be Regulated?

Anyone who wants to start biohacking in their garage can buy a DIY CRISPR kit for less than $200. Can we even hope for regulation when access is that easy?

That Pill Is Watching You – Privacy And Hackability Of Ingestible Electronic Sensors

Those who ingest these tiny sensors may not understand who sees their personal information, or even what information is being recorded.